Thursday, June 16, 2011

Starbucks for Android

Starbucks has released their official coffee card app for Android phones yesterday. Now Android users can experience the fun of purchasing coffee and goods with a flash of their Android screen.

The video will help explain:

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It's the fastest way to pay, track your Stars, and reload your Starbucks Card!Available in nearly 6,800 U.S. company-operated Starbucks, and over 1,000 Target locations!

A Starbucks Card is the fastest, most convenient way to pay at Starbucks. And Starbucks for Android™ is the perfect companion to your card. Your Android™ phone will display a barcode that you use just like your card to make purchases at Starbucks. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it’s a revolution in mobile payment.

As you can see below, the app is quite colorful and this makes it just plain fun.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A super encrypted safe zone in Android

Here is an inexpensive way to make sure your passwords and other sensitive data is safe on your Android device. CryptoSafe Pro

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CryptoSafe Pro
CryptoSafe is a professionally developed Android application that allows you to store your sensitive information, passwords, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. safely and securely inside an encrypted database.
A unique feature of CryptoSafe is that it allows you to create multiple passwords and to maintain multiple sets
of entries. If one of your passwords is stolen or compromised the other passwords are still safe. If your phone is confiscated, or if you are forced to reveal your password, you can always keep some harmless-looking set of
"Decoy" data encrypted under an alternate password, give up that one and keep the real entries secret.

This feature is called "Deniable Encryption" and it is only one of the ways in which CryptoSafe maintains the confidentiality of your private information, as CryptoSafe has been carefully hardened against attacks, much more than other password apps in the Android Market.

* Strong Triple-DES+AES Encryption
* Deniable Encryption
* Encrypted Database
* Multiple Passwords
* Passwords NOT stored in the phone
* Encrypted Backup to SD Card
* Encrypted Backup to e-mail
* Encrypted Backup to Google Docs
* Encrypted Backup to FilesAnywhere
* Remote Wipe via SMS
* Easy browse to websites
* Automatic Timeout
* Duress Password
* Stealth Mode
* Self-Destruct

* Website Passwords
* Bank Accounts
* Credit Cards
* Notes
* Private Contacts


Voice Search, Visual Search and Results Prerendering

Google is constantly innovating. Other companies would settle into a nice comfortable niche and start exploiting their customers.

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Two of the most important Google mobile services: voice search and visual search will now be available from your computer.

Voice search, a feature that's built into Android, also works in Google Chrome and allows you to search using your voice. Chrome added support for the Speech Input API back in April and it's the only browser that implemented the API. Right now, Chrome's speech input feature is only available for English.
While voice search and visual search are useful, the most impressive search feature launched by Google today is Instant Pages. The new feature only works in Chrome 13+ (available in Canary/Dev Channel and soon in beta), but it will radically improve your search experience. Chrome prerenders the top search result if it's likely that you will select it, so you no longer have to wait for the page to load. You might remember a feature called "prefetching" that was first supported by Firefox. Prerendering is a lot more powerful than prefetching.

The HTC Sensation 4G

This is the hottest phone right now! Too bad I'm not a T-Mobile subscriber.

Make sure to click through to see the video for this phone.

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T-Mobile’s best phone right now? The HTC Sensation 4G

T-Mobile’s newest high-end smartphone, the HTC Sensation 4G, launches June 15 in the carrier’s retail stores for $199 with contract. The Sensation 4G is T-Mobile’s first phone to use both a dual-core Snapdragon chip from Qualcomm and a 960 x 540 high-resolution screen. I’ve been using the Google Android 2.3.3 handset for nearly two weeks as my primary phone to see how this hardware combination pairs with HTC’s newest user interface software, called Sense 3.0.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Online RadioX for Android

Online RadioX is currently in beta. This app is designed to allow you to listen to the music that you want to hear from the region you choose. This is a global app in that it draws from more than 1800 different radio channels across the globe.

This is a new application, for listening to more than 1800 channels, from more than 40 countries in the world. The useful features, which make the using of the program an enjoyable process. Here are over 1800 Radio channels for almost all over the world. Which are, of course categorized by countries. The other great feature is that you can create your favorite list of the most preferred channels, what will make your future screenings easier!!

Check out Online RadioX in the Android Market

App Widget Picker for Android

This app organizes your widget list in Android so you don't have to scroll through multiple size configurations for each widget. The various sizes get added to what appears to be links to the actual widget.

Hooray for more organization and customization!

I love Android.

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For those of you that like tricking out your home screen, you know widgets are a must. However, many of you might have noticed that having a lot of widgets means your long press widget menu is long and clustered. Thankfully,  boombuler over at xda has thought up a solution.

Enter AppWidgetPicker. Looking at the screenshot, you might notice that you don’t see “Grooveshark 4×1,” “Grooveshark 4×2,” etc. Instead, you’ll notice the subtle “(x widgets).” For those of you who like staying organized this install is an absolute must. You’ll no longer have to sort through 12 different minimalistic text widgets in order to get down to your Pandora widget. It’s such a simple concept and boombuler pulls it off so well. The installation is pretty simple and it will work with all non-sense based launchers.

Hit up the thread on xda to see more! Thanks again boombuler!


Valculator the Voice Calculator for Android

Valculator is a voice activated calculator for android phones.

This app performs your calculations easily by your voice!

You just speak your calculations to it and it will perform them! You just Say "1209 + 33 - 8" and the app will show you the answer "1234"!

Check out Valculator in the Android Market

Acer Iconia Tab for $380... 1 day only.

The Acer Iconia Tab is the cat's meow of Android tablets right now. If you hurry, you can get one for $380 w/FREE shipping from eBay daily deals.

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When it comes to the Android tablet market, pricing is one of the main areas that defines the competition. Acer clearly knew this when pricing its Iconia Tab A500 tablet at $450, but for today, you can score this 10.1 inch Tegra 2 device for the low price of $380 with free shipping from eBay’s Daily Deals site.

2011-06-13 15h14_53
  • 10.1 inch 1280×800 LCD display
  • 1GHz dual-core Tegra 2 processor
  • 1GB RAM
  • 16GB built-in storage
  • 5MP rear camera, 2MP front
  • Honeycomb

Greed + YouTube+ Rebecca Black

Seems really lame to put a price on watching a music video on YouTube. It's basically FREE advertising and now you want to monetize it? I predict epic FAIL.

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Rebecca Black’s Friday will now cost you $2.99 on YouTube

Yes, it’s true. The video with over three million dislikes would now appreciate it very much if you would pay $2.99 for the displeasure of having to listen to it in its entirety. Hard to believe? Yeah, for me too. But here’s your screenshot proof:

See more at

The new Touch Pad from HP

The speed and smoothness of the interface looks awesome. I wish I could have amplified the video.

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Poll Technica: do the new TouchPad videos have you lusting for one?

Poll Technica: do the new TouchPad videos have you lusting for one?

Late last week, HP announced that its first webOS-based tablet, the HP Touchpad, will launch in the US on July 1. As part of the prelaunch buzz-building effort, the company has released nine new videos of the TouchPad in action.

The videos linked below don't really contain much in the way of new information, but they reinforce just how good of a fit the webOS multitasking model is for a larger screen size. All of the webOS devices released so far have been hampered by inexplicably poor industrial design and small screens. But with the TouchPad's much larger 9.7-inch display, the card-based multitasking paradigm will be able to reach its full potential. The card paradigm is also the primary edge that webOS has over iOS, since the latter doesn't really have as consistent and OS-wide a way to juggle multiple running apps. (What is it with Apple and multitasking? Does anyone remember how long it took MacOS to catch up to Windows in that regard?).

Overall, the TouchPad looks like the best candidate for mounting a real challenge to the iPad, especially for more business-minded users. Indeed, most of the factors we cited in an analysis of the Pre's demise aren't really relevant to the TouchPad, or they're relevant in a different way. The TouchPad is blessedly not designed for or marketed at women, so the form factor and attendant ad campaign won't suffer needlessly the way that Pre's did. At 0.54 inches thick, the device is thicker than the iPad 2, but not to the point that its bulk will be off-putting. And the strong business orientation could minimize the impact of the "long tail for app stores" factor that I cited as a big barrier to the Pre's mass-market uptake.