Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Google Labs put to what?

Seems that Google is doing more house cleaning/consolidation. I believe this could be a fantastic move on their part.

It may hurt in the beginning, all this change, but in the long run...Google will be able to focus better and improve on core features such as Search, Gmail, Google+ and others.

I just hope they leave Google Alerts alone ;)

Amplify’d from

Google’s ’20 Percent Time’ Will Survive The Death of Google Labs

Google announced this morning that it will be shutting down Google Labs, a platform that allowed users to interact and give feedback on experimental products produced by Googlers in their 20 Percent Time.


While many were left wondering, Google tells me that the company has no changes to announce with regards to the 20 Percent Time program; killing Labs doesn’t mean the discontinuation of the one day a week Googlers get to spend on “projects that aren’t necessarily in [their] job descriptions.” “We’ll continue to devote a subset of our time to newer and experiment projects,” Google representative Jason Friedenfelds tells me.

Google has yet to respond to my inquiry about where all the 2o Percent Time projects will go after Labs’ shutdown, but it’s a good guess that a lot of those efforts will be refined and funneled into Google+. Instead of a bunch of random and unrelated ideas we’ll start seeing bigger Google+ bets like Gmail+  or Aardvark integration in addition completely independent projects like Photovine, Disco and Pool Party.


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